5 resistance band exercises for back

Are you looking to build your back muscles without having to hit the gym? Resistance bands could be the perfect solution for you. Resistance band exercises are used for all fitness levels, resistance bands are great because they offer adjustable weight during your workouts, allowing you to gradually increase the difficulty as you progress.

Not only are resistance band exercises highly effective, but they are also convenient and portable. You can easily take them with you anywhere, making them a great option for at-home workouts or even when you’re traveling.

When you’re looking to build back strength you must keep in mind that you should be targeting crucial areas in your upper, lower, and lateral back muscles such as the lats, rhomboids, and traps. To build these upper back muscles you must know the proper exercises to target for optimal strength and stability, So you may be asking what are the best resistance band exercises for the back?

In this article, we will share the most effective exercises for a comprehensive resistance band back workout.

Benefits of using resistance bands for back exercises

Resistance bands are a fantastic tool for back exercises for a few reasons. They offer adjustable resistance, which allows you to gradually increase the pressure of your exercises as you build better strength. Loop resistance bands, in particular, are advantageous for back exercises as they provide stability, resistance variation, versatility, and effectiveness for targeting back muscles with elastic tension, making them ideal for home workouts without the need for an anchor.

They effectively target the major muscles in your back, including the lats, rhomboids, and traps just as well as weights would. These exercises help improve your back strength and stability, which also helps to correct posture.

Why I prefer resistance training over free weights

Resistance bands are portable, convenient, and affordable for anyone! Making them a great option for at-home workouts or even when you’re traveling. With resistance bands, you can skip out on expensive gym memberships and avoid buying large exercise equipment that makes living space difficult. Overall I was able get amazing results mainly on my upper back muscles using these workouts. Resistance bands are not only beneficial for back muscles but also for the entire upper body, enhancing strength, stability, and mobility.

Here are 5 resistance band exercises for building back strength

1) Bent-over rows

Muscles targeted: rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius, posterior deltoids 

Here’s how to perform bent-over rows with resistance bands:

  • step on the center of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart. Hold the handles of the band with an overhand grip

  • Bend your knees slightly and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight and your core engaged

  • pull the handles towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.

  • Slowly return to the starting position and continue with more reps keeping tension on the band


2) Lat Pulldowns

Muscles targeted: latissimus dorsi, biceps, rear delts, rhomboids, traps

Here’s how to perform lat pulldowns with resistance bands:

  • attach the resistance band to an overhead point, such as a door frame or a pull-up bar.

  • Sit on the floor or on your knees, with your legs in front of you and the band in your hands.

  • Bend towards your elbows, and pull the band down towards your chest, focusing on engaging your back muscles.

  • Slowly return to the starting position, keeping tension on the band throughout the movement.

Demonstration: Lat Pulldown with Resistance Band

3) Seated row

Muscles targeted: latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, and biceps brachii 

Here’s how to perform seated rows with resistance bands:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended out

  • Tie the band around both your feet going outwards towards your body  

  • Keep your back straight and pull towards your hips

  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat (keep proper form)


4) Bent over back flys

Muscles targeted: Rhomboids, infraspinatus, rear deltoids, backside of shoulders.

Here’s how to perform bent over back flys with resistance bands:

  • step on the center of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart.

  • cross the resistance band by switching handles on opposite sides of your hands

  • Bend your knees slightly and bend forward towards the hips, keep your back straight &  your core engaged.

  • Pull your hands upwards in a lateral direction.

  • slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Demonstration: Resistance Band Bent Over Fly

5) Standing back flys

Muscles targeted: Later deltoid, posterior deltoid, teres minor, trapezius, infraspinatus

Here’s how to perform standing back flys with resistance bands:

  • Stand upwards with your feet hip-width apart and your chest slightly outward.

  • grab the resistance band from each side and hold it to chest height.

  • Extend your arms in front of you and pull the band apart by squeezing your shoulder blades together.

  • Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Demonstration: Standing Back Flys

Here are a few tips to max out your resistance band back exercises

1. Use different bands with levels of resistance to challenge yourself and ensure progressive overload.

2. Maintaining proper form and engaging your back muscles throughout each exercise is key to maximizing the effectiveness.

3. Combine resistance band exercises with other back-strengthening exercises, such as pull-ups and Superman holds. You can involve weight training as well to further build muscle

4. Stretching out after any workout is a must if you want to keep your athleticism and mobility top-notch, which can also prevent serious injuries from occurring, so it’s best to perform stretching after your back exercises, or you can simply use a light band.


From my own experience in training with resistance bands, I find it most effective in contrast with building lean muscle mass and I even use it for recovery days. I also found that I can accurately target small muscle areas that help with the volume of my upper back.

Many think that to build great back strength you must involve weight training, but this is not all true. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to put on some muscle mass you should be training with weights, but if you are looking to stay lean without adding too much weight or having to purchase expensive equipment, then resistance training is the way to go. Staying constant is key for long-term results when using resistance training, so make sure you set a stable workout routine for yourself to see benefits in the long run.

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